Factors that determine Success or Failure in a PR application

Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority have many requirements that allow them to gauge the eligibility of applicants looking to get their PR. These factors are listed as follows but are not limited to:

1. Type of work pass/ Employment Industry

2. Age

3. Education

4. Financial stability

5. Professional expertise

6. Familial ties

Other factors not included in this list are social integration efforts and charitable contributions.

Social integration efforts refers to how well the individual mixes and mingles with the regular Singaporean population. This might include participation in grassroots activities during holidays and festivals Examples may include participation in the lantern making activities for the Mid Autumn Festival at the Community Centre.

Charitable contributions refer to financial or non financial contributions to a charitable organisation. For instance, an individual can be a volunteer at a charitable organisation and donor (financial) to another organisation. These would all form part of the charitable contributions an individual makes. Including these factors as part of your PR application is likely to to lead to a more successful application.

1. Type of work pass/ Employment Industry

Generally on S Pass and Employment passes are allowed to apply for a PR. Thus work permit holders would be ineligible to apply for a PR.

Research and development (R&D) has already established itself as the cornerstone of Singapore’s economic development. Singapore has a strong network of both public and private R&D centres. In the future Singapore will be priming itself for new technology, products and processes. According to a report published by the Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore is now set to increase its prominence on knowledge and innovation-intensive activities. Singapore is also looking to create a strong IP protection and IP enforcement environment. Employment experience, technical proficiency or subject-matter expertise in any of these key industries and markets may be vital in ensuring a successful PR application.

2. Age

Singapore has already topped the ASEAN list by being the oldest society among the 10-member nation. The median age of Singapore’s current population is around at 40.5 years old. This is in sharp contrast to the projected median age of 29.8 years for ASEAN nations in 2020. Many economic experts describe the Singaporean population as demographic time bomb”. In fact the United Nations project that come 2050, Singapore is likely to experience an inverted population pyramid. That means that the bulk of the population is likely to be senior citizens as opposed to youth.

In lieu of the ageing population in Singapore you stand a better chance of getting your PR when you are below the age of 50. This is because a younger applicant has more economic years.

In other words a younger applicant has more time to contribute to the economy and society (tax). Thus younger applicants have a greater role in stabilising the rapidly aging Singaporean society.

Does this mean a tougher passageway for the older PR applicants? Not necessarily. While it is true that a younger candidate is able to contribute positively to the country with their vibrant youth and time, senior candidates bring with them their valuable set of unique experience and wealth of knowledge. Age is not the primary deciding factor. ICA also takes into consideration other factors such as the potential impact of your contribution to society and/or economy over a period of time.

3. Education

Applicants via the Professional Technical and Skilled (PTS) workers scheme have increased dramatically. Hence the bar is set higher to filter out the cream of the crop. Having good academic qualification from reputable institutions will give you some additional points when applying for your PR application. Specialised technical knowledge will also give you the same results. For example specialised technical knowledge means the applicant has gotten a Chartered Accountancy qualification when the applicant is an accountant.

4. Financial stability

Singapore constantly seeks well balanced and highly competent individuals to contribute to its economy. With all the emphasis on the individuals contribution to the economy its easy to assume that a higher salary translates into higher chances for a PR application. However ICA looks at contribution holistically. This translates to how well you are able to fend for yourself and provide for your family/ dependants. ICA will account for your earning capacity and your spending power as well so that younger applicants or Professionals Managers and Executives PME’s are not at a disadvantage in this application process.

5. Professional expertise

Singapore is constantly looking for the most qualified individual who has the most amount of experience in his specialisation. One of the things ICA looks at is the applicants work experience. This means the ICA considers the amount of practical experience that you have in the job. Does this mean that applicants with more experience are to be looked at more favourably? No ICA looks at applicants holistically. So it doesn’t just look at your past experience but it also looks at the amount the individual can contribute in the future. So the potential the applicant has to contribute to the organisation in the future will also be considered. In this regard younger applicants who might not have that much experience will not be disadvantaged.

6. Familial ties

Having family members of close relatives as Singapore Citizens or PRs is likely to increase your own chances at getting a PR. Fostering family ties is highly encouraged by the government because it aid the social integration process after the visa. It also encourages future generations to embed their roots in Singapore.

With a large volume of applications streaming into ICA, it has become even more important to ensure that your application forms are presented accurately and concisely with all relevant supporting documentation. Key information in your application should be displayed clearly so that ICA can consider your application more efficiently. There are a number of established companies which are providing immigration services. These services include an eligibility assessment in- depth consultation as well as a step-by-step guide in collating, organising and submitting all of your relevant documents and vital information.

Here at Migration Partners we have experts and specialists to guide you towards a successful PR application. You may utilise our free consultation services if you are considering application or even if you are on the fence about your application. Speak to us today! search term asian family

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