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How long should I wait before applying for the PR?

There isn’t any specific period which foreigners have to wait before applying for PR. In general, employment Pass or S pass are eligible to submit their applications for PR under Scheme for Professional/ Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers(PTS) for ICA’s consideration. Please look at the description given under permanent residents for a further description of the requirements applicants have to meet for permanent residency. At Migration Partners, we have successful clients gotten PR approved with only 7 months of residing in Singapore.

Yes, you can put in an appeal. it’s advisable to meet up with one of our consultants to assess your profile. If we see that you are eligible and capable of furnishing additional reasons/achievements or have strong grounds for ICA’s re-consideration, then we shall assist you to file an appeal within six months from the date of rejection. At Migration Partners, we do have successful cases where our clients got their PR approved through an appeal.

Upon submission of documents, the PR application results may take at least 6 – 8 months. In some cases, it will even take up between 1 – 2 years. You will be informed of the outcome by post once it is finalised.

ICA does not provide the reason for rejecting the application. We can work together with you to build a strong profile that meets ICA’s requirements. Many of our clients have gotten their PR approved through us despite initial rejections. Most importantly, the Singapore government reviews the number of existing PRs and calculates the assigned quota each year. Therefore, it is important that you get your profile ready. You may arrange a meeting with one of our consultants to assess your eligibility again.

There is a cooling-off period of 6 months before you can submit your next application. However, it is an excellent time to start building your profile with us.

A typical profile takes around 3-4 months depending on your readiness.

Renouncing PR status for second-generation PRs, without serving NS will face unfavourable consequences. Their failure to complete NS will be taken into account should they attempt to apply to return to Singapore to study or work. However, we have seen successful EP applicants who have given up their PR before.

That is not a problem; we will provide you with a customized declaration letter to ICA; hence Annex A will no longer be needed in this case.

If you lose any of your required documents, we will draft a declaration letter to explain your situation. These are part of the services, and we do not charge extra for it.

If you are a foreigner seeking employment in Singapore, we recommend approaching a recruitment agency or searching through job portals for an opportunity. Our specialization is in Migration. That is we help to apply for work passes, visit passes, permanent residence , and citizenship applications in Singapore. We cannot assist in job placements because we are not an employment agency.

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