Are Recommendation letters required?

There are many differing opinions on recommendation letters. Some consultants suggest that you should include recommendation letters. Others believe that you should leave it out all together. So you might be wondering why its important to have recommendation letters for your Singapore PR/ Citizenship applications.

At Migration Partners we believe that a recommendation letter is important in enhancing your chances of being considered and having your application approved by ICA.

What is a recommendation letter ?

A recommendation letter provides testimony to any number of positive attributes you might have. It shows your positive character, work ethic, credibility and social integration efforts. It also shows that there are a healthy number of people who are willing and able to offer personal support for your application.

How many recommendation letters should I provide ?

You should generally provide about 3 -4 recommendation letters from locals of differing races and religions. Its best not to go overboard with the number of recommendation letters. We at immigration partners believe that the quality of the references would matter more than the quantity of letters.

Who should I ask ?

Recommendation letters will vary depending on your personal profile. For example if you are a business owner, you may consider reaching out to your business partners or clients. If you are an employee you might consider getting recommendation letters from your colleagues or superiors. If you have studied in Singapore, getting recommendation letters from your lecturers, professors and friends will be good.

You may consider asking the following people for recommendation letters:
1. Business Partners
2. Clients
3. Colleagues

4. Employers (Past and Present) 5. Friends
6. Relatives

What is the content of the letter ?

The content of the letter will vary greatly depending on the source of the letter.
Here are some examples of content :

  1. 1. Letter from employers (past and present): This should include specific examples of how you demonstrated skills in the company. It should also include your relationships with colleagues and the team

  2. 2. Letter from business partners or clients: It should emphasise the relationship you have with them, the contribution you’ve made to their life and provide a reason for the recommendation.

3. Letter from a friend or relative:
This should show how you are well integrated into the Singaporean society. It should also provide examples of your good character and emphasise why you are suitable to be a part of Singapore.

Here at Migration Partners, we help clients draft personalised recommendation letters based on our clients profiles so that they can stand out from their competitors. Contact us to discuss your application today.

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