3 ways to integrate into Singapore

Singapore is a nation with people from different races and religions. As such the ability to respect and live in harmony with those who come from different backgrounds is essential in this small city- state. As a foreigner your ability to integrate into the Singaporean community might significantly increase the chances of visa approval.
This can be done though:

1. Joining an expatriate association of your home country

Staying in a foreign country can be a daunting experience when the culture is completely different to that of your home country. There are many challenges with integrating with the local culture. To ease your stay in Singapore, you can join an expatriate association from your home country. This will provide you with a strong network of people who are also going through the same experience as you. You can also connect to the local community through the workshops and events conducted by the association.

2. Volunteering for charities of non- profit organisations

Some charities and non profit organisations are always looking for volunteers. Such charities may include Children’s Cancer Foundation, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS). Taking part in volunteering activities organised by these charities provides an excellent way for you to get to know the local community. You also have the added benefit of helping someone in need.

3. Taking part in community activities

This is the best method to integrate with locals in your community. The Resident’s committees of your neighbourhood often holds different types of events. Residents can participate in such activities to get to know one another. As a foreigner, this provides a good opportunity for you to mingle with your local community. It shows your willingness to assimilate and increases the chances of your application being approved.

Activities like these display your desire to understand the culture of the city. It also shows a desire to bridge the gap between themselves and the local community. The activities mentioned above are not a complete list. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Migration Partners to find out more activities you can participate in to show social integration.

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